Journal of Women's Reproductive Health

Journal of Women's Reproductive Health

Journal of Women's Reproductive Health

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

About The Journal


Journal of Women's Reproductive Health (JWRH) is an international Open Access, Peer-Reviewed Journal. Reproductive Health is a critical area of study that encompasses a wide range of topics, including fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Understanding the complexities of women's reproductive health is essential for improving healthcare outcomes and addressing the unique needs of women at different stages of their lives. We invite readers to explore the diverse and groundbreaking contributions, which aim to advance our understanding of women's reproductive health and ultimately enhance the well-being of women worldwide.

Our journal serves as a platform for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals to share their latest findings, innovative approaches, and evidence-based practices related to women's reproductive health.

Instructions for author

All manuscripts submitted to the JWRH must strictly adhere to a comprehensive set of author guidelines. These guidelines encompass ethical considerations, ensuring the accuracy of scientific data, and maintaining the highest standards of research integrity. 

Submission Process

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts online through the Open Access Pub website. The submission guidelines and forms are available on the publisher's website. Upon acceptance, manuscripts are published online in a fully open access format, making them accessible to readers around the world.
You can also send us via e-mail as an attachment to the Editorial Office [email protected]

Types of Submission

JWRH welcomes a variety of article types to accommodate the diverse methodologies and focus areas within the scientific community:

  • Research Articles: In-depth studies presenting original research.
  • Review Articles: Comprehensive analyses of specific topics.
  • Case Reports: Documentation of individual clinical cases highlighting unique features or findings.
  • Short Communications: Brief reports of data from original research.
  • Opinion Pieces and Editorials: Expert opinions and discussions on significant topics in the field.
  • Theses: Detailed discussions based on completed original research projects.
  • Literature Reviews: Comprehensive overviews of recent research in specific areas.
  • Opinion Articles: Focused discussions representing the views of the authors.
  • Mini-reviews: Concise overviews of recent advances in the field.
  • Conference Proceedings: Collections of academic papers presented at scientific conferences.
  • Rapid Communications: Swift dissemination of timely and significant research findings.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees that authors are required to pay upon the acceptance of their manuscripts for publication. These charges are essential for covering the costs associated with the editorial process, including peer review, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving articles, and ensuring that content is freely accessible to all.

Journal Indexing

Cited articles in JWRH

1. Coping with Pregnancy in Academic Environment: Experiences of Pregnant Students in A Public University in Ghana

2. pH-Sensitive Nanomedicine for Treating Gynaecological Cancers

3. Ordeals of Sexually Violated Women and Access to Comprehensive Healthcare: A Case Study of Victims of Sexual Violence in North Kivu, Eastern Congo

4. Prevalence of Non-Fistulous Urinary Incontinence among Nonparturient Women in A Tertiary Hospital

Indexed articles in Google Scholar

1. In Vitro Assessment of Estrogenic Potential of Biofield Energy Treatment using Human Endometrial Adenocarcinoma Cell Line

2. Comparing Uterine Electromyography & Tocodynamometer to Intrauterine Pressure Catheter for Monitoring Labor

3. Compound Heterozygous Hemoglobin SD Disease Presenting as Sickle Cell Crisis in Pregnancy

4. Effect of 8 Weeks Exercise on Irisin in Obese Women

Articles deposited in some other prominent sites

1. Placenta Previa with History of Previous Caesarean Delivery – an Obstetrician's Nightmare

2. Live Pregnancy in Non Communicating Horn of Unicornuate Uterus with Placenta Percreta: A Case Report and Review

3. Parents'/carers' expectations and perceptions of structured aquatic taught baby programmes: an online survey

4. The relationship between postpartum depression and beliefs about motherhood and perfectionism during pregnancy

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences